Friday, November 25, 2011


那天以为能高高兴兴的帮朋友庆祝生如,没想到结果却是这样。因为一些笨蛋误会而把派对毁了。而且还害到朋友受伤,车被毁,真是说不上的歉意。真希望受伤的不是他,而是我。把一切弄得不欢而散,最好的朋友还过了一个非常糟糕的生日。因为那天的不愉快,而取消了真正的生日派对,我真的很难过。是说女生最珍惜的21岁生日都无法快乐的度过,我怕她会感到遗憾。 P.S - We can't change what already happened. But we can change what had happened into strength and walk on it. Life is a progress. Fail means success. As we know, no pain, no gain. No matter what happen, as long as we do our best, God will do the rest. Anyway, Happy Birthday to my best friend.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Celebrated my birthday twice this year. I feel thankful to all my friends and thanx for those wishes you all gave to me. First celebration was on 20th Aug. We had our dinner at Rumors and next we went to Big Mouth. And thanx to my friends who gave me a surprise by suddenly came out with a present. ;) second celebration was on 24th of Aug at Lava. My dear really put so much effort to my birthday party. Flowers all came from no way and passed to me. First time ever received the candy flowers from my friends and some unknown friends. Thanx for it and i love it so much. And the cake that made from my dear was so yummy. And it was a jelly yam cake. Oh yeah, i did some shy sexy dance on the stage too but not sexy at all. I am drunk in both night but I still managed to control myself lah. Haha. And thanx to my friend who take good care of me and sent me home safely both night. You are such a good friend of mine. =) my actual day of my birthday was in KL. Luckily there are still one of my best friend accompanied me and countdown with me. ^^

Thursday, August 18, 2011


还有几天就生日啦~ 可是这年的生日要提早办。今年怎么没有庆祝的feel呢?不管那个了~ 好想买一部手机哦~ 时间赶快过,金钱赶快来。^^

Saturday, July 23, 2011



Thursday, July 14, 2011


i'm choosen as an admin in a group because of i am
1 ) a careful girl
2 ) i am not an impulsive person
3 ) i have postive mindset?

Weird?! I have no idea. I am a careful one? not really. I juz being over protective. Protective from being harm from others. Sometime i do envy some people can do thing without think it properly. At least they are happy with who they are, what they do. People like me, over thinking, will think too much. Sometime it's a burden. Wanna let myself free, but hard to. Maybe i'm too choosy?! Hmm... Yeah~ Part of me is like that.

I consider myself is a considerate person. Like win-win situation. As i am a over-thinking person, what i do will count the step. But of course, sometime i am a so called 'cincai' person. You treat me good, i treat you good as well. I am loyal to who i am. I wont juz follow the wind. Wont judge a book by it's over. But, as you show your true face, sorry, u are out of my life.

Positive mindset?! Yes, I have. But sometime its hard to think by this way. Things happened everyday. Who knows i will change my mindset next second. Try not to hurt people but hurt still there. Things out of the control is a really bad feeling. Always feel sorry to the one. Will accept whatever is the outcome. Sometime i will think whether the decision i made is right. But as it has been made sure because of some of the reason or problem. I accept it. That's why i feel better.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


今天,我在脸书上看到很多关于709的link.其中有一个是关于警察对着普通的市民喊。不知道他想红还是什么。只看到很多人很无辜的被牵拖。感觉很可怜。连国外都有报道。。这次真的红到国外去了。今天不理‘戒严’ 跟朋友出去喝茶,还不是相安无事。。沙巴电费要起15%啦~工资几时才起啊?现在每个月都要还200多块电费。害我不能 开着冷气做运动。。 == 今天去了趟 Tanjung Aru买水果,还吃了我爱吃的芒果酸呢~买的时候胃还有些不舒服,可是吃了,还是不舒服。还想以毒攻毒的说。。哈哈。。。

Thursday, June 23, 2011


 不知道自己的决定是不是对的。。头脑一直在想着那件事。不是说好要放弃了吗! 怎么还要再想呢~很无助,很想哭~ 好想大喊哦! :(

Sunday, June 19, 2011


最近好像很容易看到周围的人受伤。现在轮到我了~ T.T 今天早上工作的时候不小心弄到脚流血了。。还跟我外婆开玩笑说是弄到受伤而头晕。其实是自己最近都不够睡,再加上贫血而造成的。亏我还喝了碗红豆汤,可是还是没有什么见效。而且还有点想呕。难道红豆汤对我没效了吗?!还想去捐血呢~ 现在这样,怎么捐 =/ 只好在头晕晕的情况下工作了。惨~ @@

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


动完手术会有多痛? 很能上网吗? 肯定是比较难驾车。而且动个手术要四千多块!好贵哦~ =/

Monday, June 6, 2011



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Friendship Connection...

那是一个风和日丽的早晨,春暖花开的季节。。 Though Malaysia dont have 4 seasons. ^^ I went to Kota Belud with my cell members. That was a wonderful holiday with friends. I experienced 150km/h speed. That was a heart accelerate car drive. I went to Kota Belud on Sunday and Mount Kinabalu on the next day. Never know that Kota Belud has such a beatiful view. Thanx to Marvin for bring us to his hometown and her sister, Winnie prepared the dinner and next day breakfast for us. Went to friend's farm. A lot of goats n sheeps there. We went to yamcha at a high hill at night but unfortunately there was no star during the night. When we on the way to Mount Kinabalu, the view was absolutely fastastic. I was amazed by the view of the nature. I can see Mount Kinabalu along the way. The reflection of the rock of mountain, waterfall, that was awesome. And we have our early dinner at Ranau, chicken wingsssss. That were so delicious. A must eat when we go to Ranau. Been through a lot these few days. Sad and happy. But when time comes, time will heal. Feels like life is always out of control. But we can always control ourselves. =)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011





Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Days....

The decision was made... That was a hard decision. Suddenly, i think of Jolin Tsai's song.倒带(rewind) I like this song very much. For some reason, feel the lyric or the rhythm just quite suite my mood. Let's bygone be bygone. I'm still the me. The one and only me. Loyal to myself. Maybe I do change myself in others opinion, but I'm glad that this is the me I want to be. No regret. We will find a better life. Feel free these few days. Mindset are blank. No thinking, or purposely dont want to think of something. No burden, the future planning no more in my mind. No restriction, not need to limit myself to some activities. I do find i'm lost sometime, try to be stong, not to be emotional, never show the weak me. I will disgust to myself I'm a week person. Whatever, whole new me is coming. I will find a way to go through this. Cheers... to the future me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Glad to have u in my life.

一个人忙碌了很久,是需要人陪的。我很高兴我的好朋友能够找到一个合适她的男友。她也有脆弱的一面。希望这个男的会好好的对她。不然,我会有非常恐怖的一面。然是我的人都知道我不大发脾气。可是伤害到我的好朋友可是另外一回事。无论如何,我只希望她能够很幸福,很幸福。因为她值得一个很好很好的人对待她。She is the most special friend in my life. She is my soul friend. No matter what, i will always support n by her side. Dear, i just want you have a happy ever life. Every good things happen on you. You are the most precious precious friend of mine. Love you. =)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sermon by Pastor Jonathan David

* If our life didn't change, we can't change anyone.
* Don't be a coward.
* Everyone has their own duty.
* If we cannot work inside(thinking), we cannot work at outside(action).
* We need to take the proactive action and go, God will follows us and beside us. God wants us to go first. We have a commission. Where we go, He will enter.
* God will gives us opportunity to bring His harvest. Harvest of finance, people, talented people, ability, harvest of plentiful. Don't miss the opportunity, opportunity wouldn't wait for us. We must get ready.
* God gives us open heaven of spiritual stature. I am no longer of who I am, but I need to step up a higher stature. We have a name in the heaven. Something can change because our position has changed.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nothing Is Impossible...

Went out with sushi on Tuesday. Found that we didn't meet each others for since CNY. A lot of things to talk.
Really found out that she is the one that very encouraging. She always gives the suggestion to the problem, but not the solution of the problem. Likewise, the problem that we are facing each day, we need to work it out by ourselves, but not just depend on others. People might gives us a very good suggestion. But when come to decide, it's all about ourselves. Some may finds the problem is very difficult. But, as long as we solve it, we keep on moving, we can find that we are growing into a higher level. =)

Monday, March 21, 2011

The book that i bought 'Bad Girls'

Here are the summary,

Some stars are born to go supernova,
But when they crash to Earth,
the fallout is explosive...

Stunning supermodel Amber Peters should have the world at her feet. But her secret addiction has led her down a dangerous path - and given her deadly enemy.

Lap dancer Skye Ellwood is desperate to escape her tawdry life, but has no idea how - until a client makes her a proposition she can't refuse.

Following an ultimatum from his fiancee, gorgeous A-list movie star Joe Jeffreys is finally heading to reheb to sort out his sex addiction and save his squeaky-clean image.

Spoiled daughter of a legendary rock god, Petal Gold is convinced she's a huge star in waiting, and she'll trample on anyone she thinks is standing in her way.

Passion, jealously, betrayal, revenge and scandal :
during their tumultuous thirty days in LA at the Cascabel reheb clinic, the lives of Amber, Skye, Joe and Petal will be transformed forever. But for one of them, the stakes could not be higher - nor the situation more dangerous...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sophia's Birthday~

Yesterday was a hottie's birthday. We went out at 7pm. First, we went to a bistro to have our dinner. There are five of us. Flora, Josephine, Pit Wan, m3, and last but not least, the hottie, Sophia. =)
The Queen of the day.

Next, we went to CF which known as Chocolate Factory. There are a band performed there. One of them looks chinese but actually they are from Philiphine. And they can sing chinese song. 神木与瞳 - 宽恕. Next round will be White Room. Yesterday was ladies night. We all got a free cocktail drinks. And, we ordered mineral water. (That was the first time i order mineral water in pub) I would like to find some snacks, but failed to. =/ Pit wan need to go back early, so Sophia fetched her go home (another cinderella) so I followed Flora's car. We went to Rain Pub. What a silence night. Only one table of customers, plus us equal to two. Flora ordered 2 bottles of beer, we only can finish one. Left one for the next time. I dont know can do reservation in pub. Overall, yestersay was a fun fun day. xD

Saturday, March 12, 2011


最近的我喜欢上了比较蕾丝,性感的造型。 以前的我如果想到蕾丝,身体就会不住的气鸡皮疙瘩。总以为蕾丝是给那些年轻,喜欢扮可爱的小妹妹所穿的。可是最近才发现原来蕾丝也可以带出性感。几天前,我找到了一件全蕾丝,透明的晚装。这才发现原来蕾丝是这么的贵。(也不知是不是我当冤大头) 被人砍了整百多块。可是谁叫我遇到心头好呢?! 这还是我最喜欢的一件衣服。还打算在sophia的生日会上好好展现一下呢~ ^^ 
Ps : 亲爱的,好想穿给你看哦~ xD

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Enjoyable Day in KL! =)

It was a wonderful hang out with my love one, Eryn, Sook Yen, Saik Yoon and Qian Jun. I am so blessed to get to know each other and listen or discuss a lot of things. I'm glad that some of them able to spend time to gather together. I really appreciate them very much. Thanx for everyone that are in my life. Some of them i juz see them once in a year. Amazingly that we didnt have a gap when come together. There are still some familiarity between us.

And i also able to meet up with my aunt from KL. I didnt pay a visit to her since i have stayed in KK. I havent see her since 4 years ago. Through the movie, 天天好天, i really think that i should treasure every family members and friends that surrounding me. It was such a regret that i'm not able to visit one of my aunty who staying in Sungai Durian. I really miss her so much. Really hope that i am able to pay her a visit next time when i go to Kl.

First day, Eryn, the one who brought me to Jess's house.

Three of us, Eryn, Jess n M3. ^^

The very first Snow Flakes. A must have in KL.

One for me, one for Jess.

My korean ginseng chicken soup. *slurp*

Juz had my Gelato Fruity Italian Ice-cream. Lemon Lime flavour~ Yummy!!

My hot hazelnut chocolate. Too sweet for me.

Eryn n M3

Jasmine, Eryn, Saik Yonn n M3 =)

Black and while...

Both also fair. ^^

At Kbox on sunday.


Here i am at Suria KLCC.

In Pavillion with Calvin. =)

The fake roses.. 0.o"

Self-captured in Imperial Hotel. =P

Bkt Bintang..

2nd self-captured picture. ;)

First time went to KL bus station.

My sis n M3. =)

The Little Taiwan in 1 Utama. Think of Taiwan, think of you. ^^

Mr Calvin again....

3dr self-captured in my room.

My sis n M3 again. ^^

Last day in KL =/

Overall activities in KL are very enjoyable. A bit of upset becaue not able to meet up with all my friends there but i am so looking forward for the next meeting session. *wink*

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


远距离的恋爱,是要两个意志够坚定的,想法成熟的人所能谈的。在过程中,一定会遇到很多难题。可是只要两个人能够对彼此坦诚,相信,就能让难题都迎刃而解。沟通是必要的。当两个人对彼此都无话可说的话,我想这段感情已经岌岌可危了。两个人能走在一起,最重要的是能够珍惜彼此的感情。回想起在一起的点点滴滴,会发现原来与你共度了蛮多有意义的日子。无论是开心的,伤心的,我都很想和你一起度过。想说,亲爱的,让我们一起共度以后的日子吧! ^^

请原谅我的迟钝~ ^^


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!! 情人节快乐!!

I received a wonderful gift from my dear last few days, when he is calling me. That surprise gift is a bracelet. A nice, pretty and precious bracelet. I like it so much. This year is the first year that you gave me the valentine's gift. I hope that i can celebrate valentine's day with you in the following year. Thanx for being so patient and endure my bad habits. You are the one who says you are willing to change for me and yet u have some of your principles.You said you will not easily gives promise but once you gives, u will make it. I know u are the man of your words. And you are so cute and being honest to me all the times. I am so lucky to have you in my life. ^^

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


昨天的我才刚刚招待一个对我很重要的朋友。他是第一个越海来探望我的一个朋友。他的到来让误会都解开。很感谢他的出现。让我知道如何真诚的对人,如何更诚实的面对自己。谢谢你~ 要记得我对你所说的第一句韩语哦~ ^^ 给我多一点点的时间,好吗?

Monday, January 17, 2011


今天的我用了几个小时来挑染我的头发。头上染了两种颜色。一个是紫红色,另外一个颜色是黄色。RM150应该是公道的价钱吧?因外我很满意我的新发色,所以就算贵点,我也认了。新的发色是为了迎接新一年。所以在新的一年里,祝贺大家新年快乐~ =)

And there are another thing i am so stupid about. Don't know why i am so 'geh po'. Always concern on the things not are not related to me. And always say yes to the thing not i'm not willing to. It's hard to pretend to someone that i'm not. Guess i need to be Ely Chew a bit. Dare to say NO if i dont want to.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm back

Sorry for quite a long time i didn't updated my blog. Well, a lot of things happened. Went through sad, happy, pain, and form a new ME~ =) I find that sometime my life is just like a dream. I had a lot of thoughts and some of it has realized. I had been through it, and i found the best cure is time. Time can makes me has a clearer mind and when i looked back the past, those pain seems like a small matter for me. And those pain makes me become stronger to face any difficulties. I'm proud like to say, 'good one, Ely Chew' ^.^