Friday, November 25, 2011


那天以为能高高兴兴的帮朋友庆祝生如,没想到结果却是这样。因为一些笨蛋误会而把派对毁了。而且还害到朋友受伤,车被毁,真是说不上的歉意。真希望受伤的不是他,而是我。把一切弄得不欢而散,最好的朋友还过了一个非常糟糕的生日。因为那天的不愉快,而取消了真正的生日派对,我真的很难过。是说女生最珍惜的21岁生日都无法快乐的度过,我怕她会感到遗憾。 P.S - We can't change what already happened. But we can change what had happened into strength and walk on it. Life is a progress. Fail means success. As we know, no pain, no gain. No matter what happen, as long as we do our best, God will do the rest. Anyway, Happy Birthday to my best friend.